Springs Lessons start April 21st

Our next session of swim lessons start soon, on April 21st. We’ll be offering Level 1, Level 2, and our first Parent/Child lessons as well. Two classes each of Level 1 and 2, with max of 4 students per class. You can register online here.

Once again, we’re having an evaluation session prior to the start of our lessons if you have any questions about the placement of your student. This event is on Thursday, April 14th, at 4:00pm at Northport Highlands. You can find more information on Facebook here.

We’re excited to continue to bring great lessons to the area and the community. Please contact us with any questions.

Beginner Lesson Class Sizes

Hey everyone! Thanks to all of you that made it out to our Open Swim events. We had 25 participants over the past two weeks. That’s great news!

However, it did bring up a question. There are a lot of young children (age 3-6) who have little to no skills in the water. It’s my opinion that a class size of larger than 3 or 4 children of this age group and skill level will be chaotic and borderline irresponsible for me to administer. I don’t have the backup of another instructor or a stand alone life guard yet, and I think that any more than 2-3 kids is going to be too much to handle while trying to get someone to float on their back.

I’m of the opinion that these lessons would be better served as 10-15 minute one on one lessons, instead of a small group setting. At least for the first few lessons with the student. Maybe even the first full session. I feel that you’d be getting no more than 10 minutes of dedicated time in a group lesson anyways, so this cuts right to the heart of the issue; a trusted instructor working with their student in the best scenario possible.

So, to get a feel for how you’d prefer to have your child’s lessons, I’ve set up a small survey again.

Please visit our survey here to let us know how you feel: https://leelanauswim.typeform.com/to/PoSSxZ

Welcome to our Website!

Hey everyone! Our website is finally online! You’d think that I’d be able to use my fancy web developer skills to put something together a little bit faster, but we’re finally up and running.

Now you’ll get less email from me, and now you can find more information here about the services we offer, session schedule, as well as pricing information. Our blog and intranet will be there too.

We’ll be posting the first session schedule this week, with lessons starting on Thursday, February 4th.